Why you should always/never ride with a rookie guide
facebookinstagramyoutube It is said that the most important members of a company are the new ones. The newcomers have a fresh perspective, new ideas, several questions, and the will to work hard and to commit themselves into the never-ending...
Carnage – Don’t panic while searching online for rafting videos!
facebookinstagramyoutube“ I shouldn’t have searched for that, I shouldn’t have searched for that” is most people’s reaction to consulting the internet for any medical symptoms. Even a simple headache can turn into a nasty disease online. The same can apply to...
Best Friends Forever – Pet Policy
facebookinstagramyoutube Vacation time is a great time to experience new things, to get out of our comfort zone and to enjoy ourselves. Vacation time can also mean family time, time to meet new people, time to spend with good old friends, or brand new ones....
Am I good enough to go rafting?
facebookinstagramyoutube The answer to your question is yes, yes you are! It doesn't matter how bad you think you might be, you are good enough. Rafting is a team sport and the crew will make each rafting trip unique, but paddling is not about being fit or...
Which type of paddler were you?
facebookinstagramyoutubeThere are mainly three types of paddlers: Lily Dippers, Soldiers and MacGyvers. Lily dippers have so much respect for the water, they don’t even touch it. How to spot one? Just watch their paddles, if they’re rowing in mid-air, you’ve found...
To flip or not to flip?
facebookinstagramyoutubeThat is the question. Flipping the boat could be a lot of fun, but it could also be unsettling, it depends on what kind of paddler you are, where you flip and whether the flip was on purpose or not. I remember the first time I flipped in a...
Digging the Ocoee
facebookinstagramyoutube In white water culture, “dig” usually means “to bury the paddle deep within the water, where the current is stronger than the surface.” You might hear your raft guide telling you to “dig”, that’s because if your paddle goes deeper in the...
8 Things You May Not Know About The Ocoee River
facebookinstagramyoutubeThe Ocoee River is a world class whitewater river. Every summer more than 250,000 people travel to Ducktown, TN for a thrill-ride on the class III/IV rapids the river boasts. Commercial rafting first began here in 1977 but the history of the...
Ocoee River Clean- Up
facebookinstagramyoutubeRiver Traditions We might think of “tradition” as an unchangeable, old practice that have been going on forever, but the word comes from the latin verb “tradere”, which means “to give”. Tradition is a practice that is passed down from...
15 Terms You Need to Know Before Rafting
facebookinstagramyoutube“Did you see that epic ‘yardsale' at Double Suck?!” “Chad, totally got 'chundred' yesterday. "My crew was ‘lilly-dipping’ most of the day. We blew the ‘ferry’ and washed into the hole. The boat fully ’subbed-out’. I reached for the ‘chicken...
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Benton, TN 37307